Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Perfection By Foundation

Everybody wants to be perfect and complete in all aspects. Particularly when you are intended to attend a party and time is running short. Naturally you want to have a shinning face and Smokey eyes. I tell you a secret, which is an open secret now. You hear anything about foundation? No. Then I want to disclose that foundation gives you a flawless finish. It improves your complexion and illuminates your face.

Foundation makeup used to make your skin even tone. It covers the irregularities of the skin and gives you perfection. Do it smoothly and evenly. Be careful, don’t try to add shinning or gloss. Foundation is composed of ultra violet protectors and moisturizers.

Be careful in selecting the right color of skin foundations, if you will make any mistake the color base pigments look dirty and clumsy. Many women are against foundation, but it is good for your skin as a face cream. As an anti-aging product foundation gives a charm and attraction to you face.

When you are in a mood to use the foundation add a common moisturizer with it. This practice will give your skin a nice protection from air pollution and harmful sun rays. It is necessary that you know the type of your skin, it should be checked by the foundation that you wear that what level of sunscreen is provided.

Remember that skin foundation should not be used separately; dissolve powder, cream or liquid foundation in it. Keeping in view, the color pigment and the coverage depends upon the nature and type of your skin. Mix all of the liquids with a proper percentage.

With skin foundations you will have to use a cream, powder or liquid foundation. This will depend on your skin type, color pigment, and the how much coverage you need. If your skin seems to absorb skin foundations quickly that might be because it is dry, so a silk cream foundation might be best. Powder foundations are effective in controlling oil build-up on greasier skins. When applying foundation the makeup should be applied and spread on with a sponge for minimal and uniform coverage.

When you decided to wear skin foundations all the daylong, products from a good cosmetic should be better to buy. Think over it for so many times, and then spend money on a best product. Skin foundation gives you a natural and youthful look. You will be fresh and your appearance will make you the most talked about lady in a party.

Foundation applying tips

*For applying foundation, take a sponge and tap with it, your fingers will not give a good effect.  Your skin will become sharp and flowery.

*If you are willing to make your skin little bit dewy, take a wash cloth and wet in astringent and tap it with flowery gesture. The witch hazel astringent is very much suitable, which will remove the extra makeup and make your skin glowing and sparkling.

*Apply foundation not only on your face, but tap it on your neck also, with open mouth. Expose the neck and eliminate an obvious line at the jaw line.

*Matching is very essential for winter and summer season. For the purpose take two shades in you makeup box. If you want a similarity in shade for all seasons, then mix together both of the foundations.

*After applying the foundation, take a tissue paper and pat over your face skin. It will make your look soft and attractive.


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