Tuesday, 18 October 2011

When Buying A Sunglasses

A lot of people think about sunglass as a fashion tool and buy a pair without less time over the aspects and necessity and importance of it. It has not a joke to buy a sunglass like a trouser or T-shirt because it is directly concern with the health of your eyes.

The main purpose of buying a sunglass is to protect and safe your eyes from ultra violet rays of the sun. These rays are harmful for your eyes. The sun emits these unseeing rays which penetrates in our body and are harm for the health. These rays has further three categories A, B & C according to their waves length and intensity continuous exposure to these rays causes disease like cataract and it lead to cancer also.

After so many experiments the manufacturer developed such sunglasses that are protecting from UVA & UVB rays. It is better to ask to your doctor and take his advice or see any site of internet.

When making a selection on a shop, keep in mind that you have to select such a sunglass that comes in close to your face and makes a nice contact. The looseness will allow the sun rays to come from all the side. Wraparound will be a nice selection. Take care of the ear pieces, that should be in contact with your temples perfectly, and there should not be ant gap in between.

The glasses you are buying should adjust on your face properly, because you are not comforting with glasses, but for looking smart and fashionable. It is necessary to know the shape of your face very well. Awareness from your face will tell you exactly that what should be your style. Stand in front of a mirror & see your face in it. By observation you will come to know whether it is in oval shape or like an egg. It is looking simply round or it is in square shape. Your face may be in heart shape. If you are unable to make any judgment, take a photograph of your face and project the outline with a marker.

If your face in oval shape then you are lucky and may choose any sort of glasses. Bold and large glasses of funky frames should be preferable. It will give a fantastic and admirable look to your face.

If your face is round, then select angular glasses. These will enhance your check bones. Remember this rule that big glasses are appropriate for big face and small glasses for smaller one. Keeping in view all the advices you will be able to select nice and perfect glasses. In this regard consider your budget, so that you may meet your demand.

If your forehead is broad in shape and your chin is narrow, it means that you face is heart-shape. Surely it will be small in size. Be careful when buying a pair of glasses for you that it should not oversized, otherwise your face will look odd and clumsy.

The square shape comes out by square jaws and broad forehead. In this situation you ask for a round shape glasses.


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