Friday, 23 September 2011

What are your Fall/Winter essentials?

What are your fall/winter essentials?

The 2011 spring/summer familiarized us with a stimulating milieu in acid-bright colors & flowing shapes in pinks,azures & tangerines.

To neutralize that effect,this season is all about palettes of more sophisticated & mature colours.

Best described as a season of change,fall '2011 is defined by rich, elegant hues that offer a vibrant selection of amber, terracotta, sapphire, ochre and burnt sienna. 

These solid , yet subtle shades set the mood as we step out to welcom fall/winter! Think aubergine, cocoa brown, pinot black,
and russet with exciting undertones, giving a warm, yet playful 
twist to your wardrobe! The fruit of fall fashion: 

Deep raspberry; blueberry & cassis colours are among the 
tastier treats in this season`s harvest! 

                         This  is my new collection for new season Enjoy !


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