Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Training Jessica Biel And Beauty Secrets

After a day of press flash to New York for his new commercial for Revlon makeup, Jessica Biel back in Los Angeles, but only for a moment. This week, she began filming the remake of Total Recall, Toronto, with Colin Farrell. "It's hard to keep skin in good condition to work, travel and stress," says Biel, laughing when we marvel at his light complexion. "I'm not very bright, especially after makeup and not necessarily my choice of makeup shifts of 12 hours on a movie set. When a character, his gaze is sometimes different from mine."

Biel tells its own make-up choices are simple, mascara, blotting paper, lip gloss and peach are the standbys of his ("I like fishing, because it is a natural appearance, and mounts a little 'color'). Even if she is wearing dark lipstick and a red carpet, Biel always says Tuck gloss tube fishing on his bag. "I have confidence in make-up artist applied dark lipstick, but I get nervous about reapplying, so I just use a gloss, however," he said, adding: ". The last time I tried to re-dark lipstick, I dropped on my dress and left it there "

Another incident of the past red carpet Biel has a broken heel of the shoe, nail manicure chipped chopped. "Everything you can imagine what happened," she said. "In the car on the way to first and awards, I will sit down with a filter paper under my armpits, I n 'have not the ground of delicate clothing fabrics. All the time I tell myself, 'Please do not sweat, do not sweat. "I Dispose of tissues just before I leave the car, and one never knows! I just put on a smile and pretend . "

A good thing is not fake his silhouette ultratoned. When asked about her secrets for staying fit, she said she sticks to the basics: "For me, getting enough sleep, drink plenty of water, eating a healthy diet and stay away from alcohol must. It's so boring, I know, but to do these things really helps. "

Staying on track in his care, while at home in Los Angeles, Biel attended places like Real Food Daily, a restaurant specializing in organic vegan food. "Café M is also a large-has a lot of macrobiotic options," he says. "But healthy foods can be found almost anywhere. I do a lot of cooking at home, using cereals and vegetables."

Boxing and martial arts are also a part of the Jessica Biel workout routine, which he says is also a lot of yoga. "Yoga is a constant for me, because it keeps my muscles long and flexible," he says. "But now, when summer comes around, I want to spend more time outdoors volleyball and jogging with my dog, Tina."

It also decided to maintain their natural hair brown. "I will do my best," he said with determination. "You never know what will happen, especially when you take the role of the new movie. But when I have the opportunity to let my hair relax, try to stick to brown. After how many times I've had, I'm surprised you are still attached to the head! "

Want to know more about Biel? See a photo gallery of her hair color and cuts and vote for your favorites!


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