Saturday, 12 November 2011

Nutrition For Healthy Hair

For dry hair, dull and thin with conditioning and shampooing. To make them healthier you are looking for expert advice, as friends and experienced people. Some of them are beneficial, while others are ineffective. Instead of using the unusual form of cosmetics, shampoos, conditioners and oils, which can be harmful to your hairline. Bring a small change in your diet to make your hair healthy and shiny. Lack of diet can include different types of diseases like dandruff hair, hair loss, etc. You can recover from these problems by providing an appropriate diet. Avoid foods that can damage your hair like caffeine, sugar, soft drinks and fat nutrients and try healthy foods, such as protein, iron, zinc and vitamins. Nutrients will help you make your hair healthy and reduce your skin problems. The five main nutrients are:

1. Nuts

And 'need to add a little' dry fruit for breakfast and dinner daily. You can grind some walnuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews and pistas and milk is better to drink this milk before bedtime. You can chew during the day, from time to time. But keep in mind to use them on a regular basis for best results. Nuts provide a sufficient amount of iron that is especially dangerous for healthy hair. Other dried fruit are the best source of vitamin E are almonds, cashews, and zinc, which will reduce hair loss.

Second Grain:

Add a little 'grains in the form of breakfast. Cereals are a great source of vitamins, zinc, iron and B as a whole grain snack can provide a good food if a little 'energy. It 'better to take a piece of snacks in the afternoon, or about two hours before dinner. Healthy hair growth is concerned for your shinny hair and straight hair. Wheat includes white bread, wholemeal bread, rice, brown rice, pasta, etc. 

3. Eggs

Egg fantastic role-playing to make your hair shiny and healthy to keep them flexible. The egg is an excellent source of protein. Add the egg white diet and red meat in your weekly diet. If you keep your hair silky and smooth, apply the egg white in hair roots and keep half hour and then washed.

 4. Cal Vegetables

Using the lack of green vegetables is the main cause of iron deficiency in skin and hair. Therefore, it is really important to add some green vegetables to your diet planner. Green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of essential, because they are rich in iron such as spinach, greek hay, broccoli, etc. These are all the vegetables, including calcium and iron. Lime green vegetables contain vitamin A and C, which provide an oily substance. Oily material acts as a balm for the body naturally.



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