Sunday, 13 November 2011

3 Steps To Get Smooth Lips

The soft lips kiss so much easier to obtain, but many of us forget to pamper our wrinkles, especially in summer. The winter months have all our applications and reapply chapstick, but what about summer? The sun can be very damaging to your lips and you can not notice yet. Here are 3 steps to get super soft lips and have all year.

Step 1: 
You can exfoliate your hands and feet, but the lips do the same? Use a soft, sweet skin and rubbing the lips of a slow circular motion. This not only removes dead skin cells, but the movement will also get the blood flowing when your lips a nice pink color.

Step 2:

After exfoliating, use a lip balm with SPF good. I like Burt's Bees lip balms, as are all natural and do a really good job of leaving your lips soft and also protect against burns.

Step 3:

Finally, apply a lip moisturizer. I like to use colors that are very close to my lips shade for a natural look. Super soft lips, make sure you always apply a lip balm before applying a lipstick or gloss - just be sure to wait a few minutes to dry.


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