Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Forever Look Younger

Time to face

With the new injectables are making their way into the offices Derm, opposite process has become a science well suited. "People have different lines and muscle function," New York-based dermatologist Francesca Fusco, MD, writing. "To have new opportunities to give me a more individualized approach to each patient."

Filling the Frontier: People in Europe, Belotero (hyaluronic acid, the approval of the pending charge that the FDA) will soon find its niche among injecting drug users in the U.S. thanks to its texture, which is being treated as a superficial nasal labial folds and bags under the eyes. "The charges are dominant blue under the skin if injected too close to the surface of the skin," says Brandt, who describes what is known as the Tyndall effect (although his name to the nineteenth century physicist discovered why the sky is blue). Belotero Because of the consistency is thinner than that of other charges, "will be a good choice for superficial injections," says Brandt.

Freeze Frame: The FDA has recently approved Xeomin, a third type of botulinum toxin for the treatment of wrinkles. "Xeomin is just pure botulinum toxin," says Fusco. "No additives means less chance of an event. If someone develops a strong antibody response, the injection may not work."

Whiteout: A recent study presented at the World Congress of Dermatology offers a new use for the hard work Latisse eyelash serum: the treatment of vitiligo (depigmented patches on the skin) and white spots induced by UV rays (which are more difficult to expel as brown spots ). "The most important ingredient, bimatoprost, causing the cells to produce more melanin," said Fusco, who explains the eyelids may darken the eyelashes in the treatment with serum. Preliminary results were promising: 10 trial participants saw a 100 percent repigmentation in the treated areas of the face.


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